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In Memory of Sari Ort & Meredith Farrell

Scott Farrell | VALLEY STREAM, NY
I donated to my B4C campaign

Scott Farrell

Is it time for Bike4Chai again?  These descriptions can be long.  And not funny.  And long!  Want the short version?  Please see this executive summary (or just skip to below the line for the full story):
  • This is my thirteenth Bike4Chai, a bike ride to benefit children with cancer and other serious illnesses.  I ride in memory of Sari Ort, a close family friend who passed away from cancer at the age of 12.  And now, I ride in memory of my sister Meredith, who passed away at the end of April 2018. 
  • I am a member of Team Knight Riders, named because of our love of David Hasselhoff we are the last group to finish Bike4Chai each year, often coming in after 10-11pm.  For me, it’s because I’m slow.  For some of my teammates, it’s because they ride and overcome serious medical challenges, including: cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and, for our captain, surviving four recurrences of deadly cancer and the amputation of his left leg without losing his zest for life and will to inspire others.
  • Thank you in advance for you generous support!


This summer, I am excited to take part in Bike4Chai, an exhilarating and challenging cycling event benefiting the children and families of Chai Lifeline. Every mile I ride and every dollar I raise will help support critical programs and services for more than 6,000 families impacted by illness, crisis, and loss. These services include counseling and case management, meals delivered to hospitals and homes, transportation to medical appointments, emergency financial assistance, insurance advocacy, i-Shine afterschool programming, Big Brothers/Sisters, crisis and trauma intervention, and Chai Lifeline’s flagship medically-supervised summer programs, Camp Simcha, Camp Simcha Special, and Camp Simcha Without Borders.

My goal is to raise $10,000 for this important cause and I hope I can count on you to help me reach it. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. 

Life for a child with cancer, disability, or other serious illness is grueling. From the moment of diagnosis, Chai Lifeline’s dedicated staff and volunteers are there to provide joy, hope, and unparalleled care throughout the turbulent medical journey. Please contribute generously by clicking on the donate button now.

On behalf of the children and families of Chai Lifeline, thank you for your support.


PS. For more information regarding this ride please visit


raised of $10,000 goal


1. Elana And Daniel Torczyner
May you travel on the wings of eagles never "Listen baby, you can hear the engine ring / We've been up and down this highway, haven't seen a goddamn thing."
2. Daniella Rutner
Yasher Koach
3. Avi Vogel
Kol Hakavod Scochele!
4. Michelle Kleinman
5. Sarah and Daniel Segall
6. Matt And Sarah Alpert
Member of

Team Knight Riders


Fundraising History

Total Amount Raised since 2013
raised in 2024
raised in 2023
raised in 2022
raised in 2021
raised in 2020
raised in 2019
raised in 2018
raised in 2017
raised in 2016
raised in 2015
raised in 2014
raised in 2013
17 donors